Wednesday, January 28, 2009

20 weeks and growing...

We had our 20 week visit this morning and everything still looks great. Dana, our wonderful ultrasound lady, took some great pictures today. We got one of her sucking her toes!!! Dr. Venus says that I am going to have to get used to be "AMA", or advanced maternal age. This is definitely not as easy as it was 9 years ago. I have only gained 13 pounds so far, which seemed to please everyone. Dr. Venus confirmed our June 5 delivery, barring any decisions on Baby B's part to make an early appearance.

We are going to register for baby stuff this Saturday. Steve likes to use the store's register gun! It should be fun. We have bought a few pieces of clothing already.

We are going to Matt and Amanda's this weekend for the Super Bowl. A lot of friends will be there. Hopefully I can learn from Amanda how to put pictures on the blog. Our plan is to take pictures of the ultrasound pictures so that we can put them on. Steve actually sent a picture message today of one of the pictures of her sucking her thumb.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can teach you!! Bring the u/s pictures and we can scan them and put them up!!

Can't wait to see you guys!!