Monday, January 5, 2009

Sixteen Week Appointment

We had our last visit on December 31. I was scared that I had gained too much weight over the holidays. I felt that all I had done the last week of school was eat, not to mention the two weeks out of school. Steve and I had a bet as I stepped onto the scale. I said that I had gained at least 5 lbs. He took the "over" claiming that it had to be at least 8!!! It was only 4 !!!!! My total weight gain so far has only been 9 lbs. Not bad for the girl who "does pregnant in a LARGE fashion" according to my mother. The sonogram technician was able to do the anatomy check early because the baby was taking such good pictures. Everything looks great. The only picture we didn't get was the gender shot. Oh well, we go to Winston-Salem for our big 3D ultrasound on January 13. Hopefully we can find out then!!!

The doctor said everything looks great with the pregnancy which was nice to hear since I am "advanced maternal age" (AKA old!!!)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

YAY for the Baby B Blog!! Congrats!! I can't wait to read all about the journey!! Now you need to start adding some belly shots and ultrasound pictures!!