Friday, March 27, 2009

28+ week update

We just left the doctor's office from our 28 week visit. Since it is so late in the week, we are actually at 28 weeks and 6 days. It was a very informative visit to say the least. I had gone for my normal glucose test on March 16. I got a call on the 18th that I had failed the test. No problem, I would just go take the 3 hour glucose test on the 20th. While the test liquid was extremely nasty and it was boring to sit in the doctor's office from 8:30 until 12:00, it really wasn't a big deal. On Monday, the office called and said that I had pased all four of the tests that had been done on the previous Friday. YEAH!!!

Today was the day we got to see the measurements of how big the baby is getting. The weekly emails that I get say that a baby at 28 weeks SHOULD weigh about 2 1/2 pounds. Dana, our ultrasound lady, and I were betting on how big she would be. I said 3 pounds and Dana said, after looking at my big belly, said 3 1/2 pounds. She started taking the measurements and putting the data into the computer. When the weight and size popped up, she said "No way" and redid all of her measurements to make sure they were correct. Keep in mind that we are 28 weeks and 6 days along. The baby now weighs 4 pounds and is measuring at 32 weeks and 6 days. She is measuring 4 weeks ahead of schedule. Dana called in the PA and showed her the measurements. Together they pointed out that I have all the symptoms of gestational diabetes. I quickly reminded them that I had PASSED my 3 hour test. They conferred with the doctor and have decided to treat me as if I had failed the glucose test and have gestational diabetes. Everything is just precautionary to insure that she is as healthy as can be. I am basically just checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and watching what I eat. We are still on target for a June 5 delivery. It just may be a little bit bigger baby. We go back in 2 weeks. Can't wait to see how big she is then....

We did get some cute pictures this week.... we actually got to watch her yawn....

Dana and I decided that she was pouting in this picture because her daddy was teasing her about how much she weighed.....He said it looked like she had jowls...

This one was amazing because you can actually see the details of her hands.

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