Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1st Baby Class

We went to our first baby class last night at the hospital. I was the only pregnant one in the room that was not on her first baby. I felt sooooo old. I am pretty sure that I could have taught all the pregnant women there. The teacher talked a little about breathing and massage. It wasn't really a big deal. We get to skip the next two weeks as those weeks deal with a regular birth. We will return on the last night to learn all about c-sections. We did get to go up after class to the 3rd floor and visit "The Birthplace" at Hugh Chatham. Steve was able to see a room similar to the one we will stay in and get an idea of how the delivery day will work. We will actually deliver on the 2nd floor where they have a c-section room that has an observation room attached to it. Steve is talking about serving popcorn and drinks. He had the nurse giggling during the tour. It will be interesting to go back in a few weeks. I go this Thursday for my next appointment. I am hoping that they measure her and see if she has slowed down a little with this new diet and constant blood sugar checking.

1 comment:

grammy said...

Hey Nikki,
Its Jamie remember me? I have just figured out how to post to you on your Blog...Duh I was trying to make it difficult. Congrats on the new little girl. I have been following your blog since you first sent it out. Wow your ultrasound pics are phenomenal! She is going to be a beautiful little girl. Thanks for allowing me to share your joy. I look forward to continuing with you.