Tuesday, April 14, 2009

30+ Week Visit

I went back to the doctor last Thursday. I haven't had a chance to get to a computer since then for the most recent update. Steve was gone to the Master's Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia so I decided to take Sarryn and David with me. They really got a kick out of watching their little sister move around on the ultrasound screen. Once again, Dana took some great pictures which I will post as soon as I get to a scanner. Here is our latest size update... I have actually lost 3 pounds over the last 2 weeks. I guess this is do the fact that I am having to eat so HEALTHY now (Yuck!!) Steve promised that I could have a Krispy Kreme doughnut and a Dr. Pepper the day she is born. At this appointment, I was 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant, but measuring 34 weeks and 6 days. Even though this sounds huge, it means she is only measuring about 3 weeks bigger than she should be. At the last appointment, she was measuring 4 weeks bigger than she should had. My fundal measurement (the measurement over my belly)was 36 cm, which is a little bigger than than the 31-33 cm it should be measuring. All of these big measurements could explain why this little girl already weighs 5 pounds. According to the weekly email I get, she should only weigh about 3.3 pounds at this stage of the game. The scary thing is that now is the time that she is supposed to hit her growth spurt. Dr. Venus said he is going to try to keep her to a 9-10 pound baby instead of a 11-12 pound baby. WOW!!!!

I go back to the doctor on the 16th for him to check my glucose levels. He did mention that he might have to put me on some medicine to help lower the levels between now and the time the baby arrives. We are still crossing our fingers that she waits until June to make her grand arrival.

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