Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pre-op visits

We went for our last prenatal doctor visit yesterday. I thnk most of the office staff were surprised to see that we had actually made it to June. Everything looked great. My weight is awesome... I have actually lost 4 more pounds for a total weight gain of ony 16 pounds. I guess that means that now the only weight I will really have to lose is the weight I had put on before we got married. Steve pulled a mean trick on me when I got on the scale. He stuck his foot on the scale and the nurse and I thought I had gained 15 pounds since last Thursday. I almost passed out!!! My fundal measurement is still 40 and I am still only dialated to a 2 or 3. Dr. Venus said that he would see us Friday morning at the hospital. The nurses said they won't know what to do without us coming in to provide comic relief every week. I think they are secretly in love with my husband. We went to the hospital for pre-op next and were there for almost 2 hours. Every person we had to deal with was a chatty cathy. As the nurse on the OB floor was filling out papers, she asked me was there any certain food that I didn't like so that she could note it on my menu plan. Steve replied "vegetables"!!! She looked at me oddly and I told her that he was right. The crappy thing is that I will be on a clear diet the first day. No doughnut for me on National Doughnut Day....what a horrible thought!!!!! Everyone needs to go to their local Krispy Kreme on Friday and have a doughnut for me.... they are giving a free one to everyone that comes!!

Everything is in place for a delivery on Friday. Steve and I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 to start the check-in process. His mom is going to meet my parents at the front of the hopsital at 6:30 to hand off the kids to go to school. We should have a baby between 7:20 and 7:40 according to the nurses on the floor. Steve and the baby should be in the room no later than 8:00 and I should be back in between 8:45 and 9:00. They were even talking about us all going home possibly on Sunday. Who knows??? I guess we will all find out this weekend.

Anyone want to make a guess on birthweight?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Good Luck on Friday!! We will be thinking about you guys Friday morning!!!