Friday, June 5, 2009

She's here!!!!!

Stephanie Lorraine Braune
June 5, 2009
7:36 am
9 pounds 1 ounce
21 inches long

Stevie and mommy


Stevie and her daddy

After all the waiting, she's finally here!!!! We got to the hopsital at around 5:30 am and checked in. We came up to the OB floor and they had me ready to go to the OR by 6:45 am. Steve and I went down and he waited in the waiting room while they prepped me. They brought him in and the fun began. By 7:36 am she was out and already being assessed. He got the entire thing on video. She definitely has a set of lungs on her. I actually got to watch her being born thanks to a huge monitor they brought around the curtain. It was really cool!! Steve and Stevie were back upstairs to our room by 8:00. The nurse gave her a bath and weighed her before I got back upstairs. I was back by 8:45. Steve's mom, my parents and my friend, Hilda were here most of the day. We spent the rest of the day talking with family and friends and answering emails and texts. Everyone is excited about this latest addition to the family. Her great-granddaddy is actually coming to visit tomorrow from South Carolina. He is ready to meet his first great-grandchild.

My parents went and got Sarryn and David from school this afternoon and brought them to meet their new little sister. They love her. David actually wanted to skip his baseball game tonight to stay and play with her. He is going to be a great helper. My friend Traci came to see Stevie this evening. All of her girls loved looking at the baby. We have discovered that the hospital doesn't have much in the way of a diabetic diet. I can't wait until I can have real food tomorrow!!!! We are expecting several visitors tomorrow. Steve has become a champ at changing diapers and is definitely a master "Burper". Stevie always stops crying when her daddy picks her up. We have had a long day and an even longer night but we are getting through it and look forward to many days ahead with our new little girl.

1 comment:

Donna said...

She's beautiful, Nikki! Congratulations! I look forward to seeing more pics of sweet Stevie. Hope you settle back into babyville easily and that she is a good sleeper for you. Enjoy your new blessing. :)