Wednesday, May 20, 2009

36+week update

Today was supposed to be a late afternoon NST monitoring visit and a follow-up with Dr. Venus from our appointment in Charlotte. It turned into a morning appointment when I started having some contractions after I woke up. The office was able to fit me in early and I got to spend an hour on the monitor. There were quite a few contractions that registered on the machine. Dr. Venus checked me and then sent me home. No further excitement, but he did say that we might not make a June birthday. I don't really care about June 5 but I would love it if we could make it to June 1.

I went home and put my feet up for the rest of the afternoon. I had realized while sitting at the house before I went to the appointment that Steve and I haven't packed anything or washed any of the new baby things that we have gotten. Needless to say, we spent last night doing baby laundry. I forgot how much I love the smell of Dreft detergent. The whole basement smelled so good. I had fun folding up all the little things.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Nikki!! I was a friend of Steve's back in college, Steve and my husband Brent Stainback go way back... anyway Steve might have told you we are expecting too, twin girls. I was catching up on your blogs I am so excited I am actually scheduled for a c-section on the 5th of June!! That would be so exciting if we had our babies the same week even the same day! I have been having to do the NST as well. Actually am on bedrest since one of the girls was trailing behind her sister, but everything is getting better now, they have lifted some of my restrictions. But I just wanted to wish you best of luck in your final weeks. I have attached my email, please tell steve to let us know when your beautiful baby arrives!

All the best,
Laura Stainback