Friday, May 29, 2009

Possibly the last dr visit????

We went back yesterday afternoon for what was our last real visit to the office. Dana did the ultrasound and the amniotic fluid is still around 26, which is fine. She did all of her measurements and the baby now weighs 10 pounds exactly. We'll see how close that is to real life measurements when she gets here. I got to get on the scales yesterday and found out that I have lost another 2 pounds. It is really looking like I won't see the dreaded number this pregnancy... yeah!!!! I have now only gained 20 pounds for the whole pregnancy. The NST was a little bumpy. The baby's heart rate was fine. Holly, the nurse, said we were just going to call my uterus irritable. After Dr. Venus saw the strip, he said he didn't want to see and sent me home to put my feet up. I did just that. We still have our fingers crossed for Monday at the earliest. I will have my feet up for the entire weekend if that is what is takes to hold this baby off. Steve's mom got here just in time for dinner last night and we are just trying to wait patiently and make it through the weekend. It will be just our luck that with all the preparations that we have made that the baby will be stubborn and not come until June 5. However, that is NATIONAL doughnut day and I think it would be great for her to be born that day too.

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