Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Shower

My friend, Traci, and her mother-in-law threw a baby shower for me on Sunday afternoon. There were lots of people there. Steve's mom and sister came down from Virginia. My mom, dad and Aunt Jo came up from Winston-Salem. My Aunt Betsy and her husband were there. Our friend, Mary Catherine, came up from Charlotte and my friend, Dawn came by as well. We got all kinds of neat things. I want to thank everyone for coming. It was great to see peole that I hadn't seen in a while.

I am glad that the shower went off without a hitch. The last baby shower that Traci tried to give me was March 26, 2000. The reason I am so sure of the date is because that was the day that Sarryn was born. We had to put up a note cancelling the shower on the door of the condo. Looking back it is pretty funny, but on that day it seemed pretty stressful.

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